An Aorta For A Quarter: Why Christian Women Land In Failed Marriages

Del Gervais

Somewhere along the way be it one’s misinterpretation of the Bible, a pastor’s casual commentary from the pulpit, or the pressure from the pews, sisters in the faith woke up believing that marriage would be the cure all for their self-perceived loneliness. So trading inner peace for chaos and joy for pain many women have found themselves in battered ships on the turbulent sea of marriage.

He’s the One
Yeah one of MANY. Women are like drones. Once we set our sights on a man, nothing short of pestilence and scurvy (yes, I said scurvy) will shake us when we have found that man who we THINK will be the answer to our prayers. Yet in the words of my urban chicks “that’s the problem.” Last time I checked, Jesus never spoke of human beings as the answer to our prayers. Matter of fact, clear warnings abound about being “yoked”…

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When Time Stands Still

Del Gervais

They say the first holiday/special occasion without a loved one hits you the hardest. Welp! They are right. It is a waterfall, at once painful in its sting and refreshing in its release.

My mind went immediately to a song I sang back in my younger years as a Christian. It had an R and B to it that truly had no meaning to my untried ears back then. But with many seasons later, these ears now hear a different tune that only comes with time and experience.

“When time stands still, and I lose my will, I find myself in you…”
The moment when the world keeps turning and you’ve politely gotten off to deal with whatever it is you’re dealing with. It is then that you come to know Christ for yourself–not just what a clergyman on the pulpit tells you, but what you come to realize in…

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Del Gervais

Matthew 2:13-21

“Take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt.”

It wasn’t all about shepherds watching and angels singing at the time of Christ’s birth. With a King threatened by our Savior’s very existence, Joseph took Mary and young Jesus and left behind all they knew for the safety of Egypt. Historians place Jesus’ time in exile anywhere between one and seven years. Suffice to say, that time away from all they loved and knew could not have been easy. Living in a foreign land while news of babies dying by the hands of a jealous king because he’s seeking out your child, was terrifying to say the least.

There will be seasons in our lives where God will ask us to leave behind all that we know. To our earthly eyes, it may seem as a punishment. Yet that hindsight reflection of 20/20 will prove that it…

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New Year Musings: I Takes The Stairs

Del Gervais

Creeping up on another year is cause for all types of anxiety. Social media outlets have people thinking that you’re a snail in a Speedy Gonzalez world. If you’re not traveling to the ends of the earth, reading the latest book, or making your butt stand at attention, there certainly must be something wrong with you. Well don’t believe the hype!

When was the last time someone posted that they had every intentions of getting up to run, but fell right back in bed? Or that they didn’t have the funds to go to the swanky steak house and ended up at the local two for the price of one eatery? After all, no one is posting pictures of chicken tenders and fries. Lol! Or that they stay in the consignment stores and bypass the department stores? Setting goals and keeping it real with self and others is a dying…

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Shoes, Skirts, and Potato Salad

Del Gervais

There is nary a thing these days that doesn’t remind me of my mom. Yep I used the word “nary” so sue me, lol! Things I once took for granted are all linked to her. Using a particular powder brings back summer memories of heat rashes and her soothing hands. Seeing people drain out the marrow in a chicken bone (a totally island thing) reminds me of her. I would only chew down my mommas chicken bones. Nobody cooks better than ya mama. Didn’t trust other people’s food like that.

I would show up after work to see her. Fix my self (cause you never come looking any kinda way to see your Haitian mama.) She would look me up and down and pause. Wait for it! “Mwe remmen jupe ou.” Translation: I like your skirt. She gave compliments out like giving out gold at Fort Knox! My mom sewed…

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